1. I was wandering through the streets when I caught sight of a tailor´s shop.
    我正在街上徘徊, 忽然看见了一家服装店.

2. I was wandering through the streets when I caught sight of a tailor´s shop.
    我正在街上徘徊, 忽然看见了一家服装店.

3. I got them developed in the photo shop near the underpass.

4. I was wandering through the streets when I caught sight of a tailor´s shop.
    我正在街上徘徊, 忽然看见了一家服装店.

5. If the money was not paid promptly, the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business by destroying his shop.

6. If a shop assistant told him she had not heard of it, he would pretend to be considerably put out.

7. It´s the most expensive model in the shop.

8. It became clear most strongly at the shop I mentioned earlier, the one where a clerk conspicuously positioned herself in the entrance on seeing us.
    在我先前提到过的那家商店里, 就是有位营业员一见到我们就显眼地堵在大门口的那家商店, 这种令人震惊的事表现得最为突出。

9. Food bought in this shop may not be eaten on the premises.

10. From there we went to a second-hand shop, where we more or less blended with the customers,