1. As a pill rather than a cream, Imedeen works from the inside out, providing the skin with nutritional and chemical support to encourage the body's own self-repairing process. 那是一种叫做"伊美婷"的药丸,不是外搽的霜。它由内到外发挥作用,提供皮肤所需的营养和化学物质,促进人体的自体修复过程。
2. According to a published study, visible improvements appear in the skin texture after two or three months of treatment. 根据一份已公开的研究,使用该疗法两三个月后皮肤肌理看得出有所改善。
3. You soar effortlessly over high mountains and deep valleys. You really see the shape of the land. 你不费吹灰之力便翱翔在高山幽谷之上。你能真正地看到大地的形态。
4. You soar effortlessly over high mountains and deep valleys. 你毫不费劲地飞越高山幽谷,
5. Very excited, they dug a hole two feet deep. 他们十分兴奋,挖了一个两英尺深的坑。
6. Very excited, the party dug a hole two feet deep. 队员们异常激动,就地挖了一个两英尺深的坑,
7. She was deep in the book she was reading. 这时正在全神贯注地读书。
8. Some people develop skin rashes when they take sulfas. 还有人吃了磺胺药后,出现皮疹反应。
9. Something I had always known — the way I knew my skin was the brown color of a nut rubbed repeatedly with a soft cloth, or the way I knew my own name — something I took completely for granted, "the sun is shining, the air is warm" — was not 某些我一直知道的东西——就象知道自己的皮肤像是用软布反复摩擦后的那种坚果棕色,或者就象知道我自己的名字——某种我完全把它当作理所当然的东西——"阳光灿烂,空气暖和",——居然会并非如此。
10. She lies motionless: the head seems unusually large on a skeleton body; the skin is dark yellow and hangs loosely around exaggerated bones that not even a blanket can hide; the right arm lies straight out at the side, taped cruelly to a board to secu 她一动不动地躺着:骨瘦如柴的身体使她的头显得特别大;皮肤呈暗黄色,松松地裹在嶙峋的、连毛毯也遮掩不住的骨骼上;她的右臂平伸在床边,被无情地用胶带固定在一块板上,以便能固定针头使液体滴入;左臂横放在深陷的胸部,胸口随着不均匀的呼吸一起一伏。