1. Rays from the sun excite and energize the atmosphere of the earth, awakening it to flow, to movement, to rhythm, to life.

2. Our earth gets its warmth and light from the sun.

3. Let s go out while the sun is shining.

4. It is always hot in June, July and August. The sun shines every day.
    6,7,8 月总是炎热的. 每天阳光灿烂.

5. It is an illusion that the sun goes round the earth.

6. Imagine a star up to twenty times larger, brighter and hotter than our own sun.

7. It turns to face the sun and spins away again every twenty-four hours.

8. It takes our earth 365 1/4 days to travel round the sun.

9. It also has longer days, because it faces the sun more of the time.

10. It circles round the earth as the earth circles round the sun.