1. I like sitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons.

2. I read in the newspaper and in my gardening magazine that the ends of cigarettes are so poisonous that if a baby swallows one, it is likely to die,
    我在报纸及我订阅的园艺杂志上看到, 烟蒂的毒性是很强的:一个婴儿如果吞下了一个烟蒂,就很有可能会死去;

3. Imagine a few people sitting in a waiting room: one is tapping his fingers on his briefcase, another keeps rubbing his hands together, another is biting his fingernails, still another grabs the arms of his chair tightly and one keeps running his fing

4. I don't tell her that he's not my baby because I'm tired of explaining.

5. I'm sitting on a bench at the playground, eating a chicken salad next to four woman nannies, all twice my age.