1. Sam twists in my arms and I look at my watch.

2. She keeps pushing her baby. “A male nanny,” she says. “How unique.”
    她还在摇晃她的孩子。"一个男保姆," 她说,"多特别!"

3. Politicians are now asking members of the public to watch the streets.

4. My watch is broken.

5. My watch got out of gear and would not run.
    我的表出了毛病, 不走啦。

6. Jack Baxter, a common American of 2084, glanced at his stop-watch.

7. “In Africa, an eighteen-year-old woman might need a job because she had a baby before marriage and has only a casual relationship with the father, or she might have a husband who goes on to another marriage and supports the children of that union.”

8. Gifts poured in not only from unknown people, but from baby food and soap manufacturers who wished to advertise their products.

9. But sometimes he and his wife watch television.

10. (Looks at her watch) She ought to be here by now.