1. I have never managed to make housekeeping appealing to my daughter.

2. Who rolled balls down inclined planes, and then generalized the results of his many experiments into the famous law of free fall.

3. It´s for my daughter, Susan.

4. I remembered once, at a family reunion, when my daughter was two, that my father picked her up for a minute -- long enough for me to photograph them -- but the effort was obvious.

5. In fact, I do weep a little, standing there by the stove holding one of the instruments, so white, so precisely rolled, that could cause my daughter's death.
    事实上,站在厨房煤气灶旁边, 我确实哭过。我手里捏着一支雪白雪白的香烟,制作得非常精致。那可是会致我女儿于死地的东西啊。

6. It had his mother's face and his wife's body, but Bartholdi called it "my daughter, Liberty".

7. I put on my daughter's best dress for our visit, the way the best dresses were always put on me, and I filled my pockets with small cookies, in case my daughter started to cry.

8. I was much more drawn to my daughter and what she was experiencing.