1. None knew how hard it had been, except Ron and the friends I'd told I was HIV-positive.

2. His ardor was contagious; soon everyone was eagerly working.
    他的热情很有感染力, 一下子大家都热火朝天地干了起来。

3. He seems to be averse to hard work.

4. He succeeded by dint of hard work.

5. His ardor was contagious; soon everyone was eagerly working.
    他的热情很有感染力, 一下子大家都热火朝天地干了起来。

6. He´s working on the enlargement of the business.

7. His mystic conduct is hard to understand.

8. He´s a French national working in Italy.

9. He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision.

10. He worked so hard that the weariness pervaded his whole body .