1. She set sail on Sunday, 5 July 1767, headed directly for Annapolis.

2. So our government set up special programs to tempt foreign graduates.

3. She set up the Otherwise Club six years ago with just a few students.

4. Set up on a downtown parking lot, its entrance marked by a massive sign that reads, in English, "Good Music from Your Body Heart on the World Line",
    它建在市中心的一个停车场上,入口处有一巨大的招牌,上面用英文写着"在世界线上从你心底发出的优美音乐"(Good Music from Your Body Heart on the World Line)。"

5. Mrs. Miller is very keen on art.

6. My husband came to the door with me that evening as I set out for the P.T.A. meeting.

7. Competition between bidders for this valuable painting has been keen.

8. But those I have known, and whom I respect, confess at once that they have little idea where they are going when they first set pen to paper.

9. But a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms.

10. Building garages and making furniture. Some really keen enthusiasts go so far as to build their own computers.