1. At dinner afterwards I was subjected to a hostile quizzing by a group of women in their thirties who claimed that my whole analysis ignored the most basic change of all. 在随后的晚宴上,一群三十多岁的女士对我颇不友好地质问攻击了一番。她们声称我的整个分析忽视了家庭变革中最基本的变化。
2. "It was the answer to my prayers because it seemed to be a victory over this idea that 'women can't lead'." "这正是对我的祈祷的回应,因为它似乎战胜了这种观念:女人当不了领导者。"
3. You should forgive her. Women are always like that; they are sentimental. 你应该原谅她,女人都是那个样子,她们是多愁善感的.
4. Yet, political activity among Kenyan women is not a new phenomenon. 然而,肯尼亚妇女从事政治活动并不是什么新现象。
5. She felt no antipathy towards younger women. 她对比她年轻的妇女没有反感.
6. Seven men and five women sat on the jury. 陪审团由七男五女组成.
7. Salesman: They are very uncomfortable. But women always wear uncomfortable shoes! 售货员:它们确实很不舒服. 可是妇女们总是穿不舒服的鞋!
8. Some Bavarian people of southern Germany once had a "windowing" custom that took place when young women left their windows open at night so that young men could enter their bedrooms. 德国南部的某些巴伐利亚人曾经有一种"爬窗"的风俗习惯,年轻女子晚上让窗户开着,这样小伙子就能进入她们卧室。
9. Strictly as research, of course, I tried on shoes and observed other women doing the same. 自然,我试鞋就像在做研究时一样严格,而且发现其他女人也都象我一样的认真。
10. She became an ambassador for women's political rights, giving speeches before women's groups and going from door to door, handbag in hand, spending hours at a time giving a combination of speech and government lesson. 她成为捍卫妇女政治权利的使者,向妇女团体发表演说。她会挎着手提包,挨家挨户地去做演讲,并给他们讲解政体,一讲就是数小时。