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aggressive为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3581


名词:aggressiveness 副词:aggressively

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/ə'gresɪv; ə`ˇrɛsɪv/
1 (a) (of people or animals) apt or ready to attack; offensive; quarrelsome (指人或动物)侵略的, 好攻击的, 好寻衅的, 好争吵的
*dogs trained to be aggressive 训练成攻击型的狗
* Aggressive nations threaten world peace. 侵略成性的国家威胁世界和平.
(b) (of things or actions) for or of an attack; offensive (指事物或行动)攻击性的
*aggressive weapons 攻击性的武器.
2 (often approv 常作褒义) forceful; self-assertive 强有力的; 坚持己见的
*A good salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed. 要做个好推销员一定要有闯劲才能成功.


behaving in an angry, threatening way, as if you want to fight or attack someone
 Jim's voice became aggressive.
 Teachers apparently expect a certain amount of aggressive behaviour from boys.
very determined to succeed or get what you want
 A successful businessman has to be aggressive.
 an aggressive marketing campaign
1. Notice a person's reaction to stress in these situations and to aggressive behavior in others.

2. He has an aggressive manner.

3. A good salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed.

4. A fixed stare can seem like aggressive behavior if it is a challenge as to who will look away first.

5. "These people can be very aggressive," warns one traveler, and you need to be too.

6. Jerry: Man, you´re really aggressive! Step on someone´s foot and they go berserk!

7. You may decide to take an aggressive approach

8. I told myself to be aggressive and went up to them.
