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crush为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4717


名词:crusher 动词过去式:crushed 过去分词:crushed 现在分词:crushing 第三人称单数:crushes 形容词:crushable

近义词, 同义词


compress  conquer  press  reduce  squeeze  subdue    


/krʌʃ; krʌʃ/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr] press or squeeze (sth/sb) hard so that there is breakage or injury 压(或挤)坏, 压(或挤)伤(某物[某人])
*Don't crush the box; it has flowers in it. 别把盒子压破了, 里面有花.
* Wine is made by crushing grapes. 葡萄酒是压榨葡萄制成的.
* Several people were crushed to death by the falling rocks. 有几个人被落下来的岩石压死了.
2 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) break sth hard into small pieces or into powder by pressing 捣(或碾)碎某物; 把某物捣(或碾)成粉末
*Huge hammers crush (up) the rocks. 用大锤把岩石砸成了碎块.
3 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) become full of creases or irregular folds (使某物)显得皱皱巴巴的
*The clothes were badly crushed in the suitcase. 衣服压在箱子里皱得不像样子了.
* Some synthetic materials do not crush easily. 有些化纤衣料不易起皱.
4 [Tn] defeat (sb/sth) completely; subdue 消灭, 击溃, 镇压(某人[某事物]); 制服
*The rebellion was crushed by government forces. 政府军已把叛乱镇压下去.
* Her refusal crushed all our hopes. 她一拒绝, 我的希望就全都破灭了.
* He felt completely crushed (ie humiliated) by her last remark. 他听到她最後的一番话感到深受凌辱.
5 (phr v) crush (sb/sth) into, past, through, etc sth (cause sb/sth to) move into or through a narrow space by pressing or pushing (使某人[某物])挤入或挤过
*A large crowd crushed past (the barrier). 大群的人挤过了(障碍物).
* You can't crush twenty people into such a tiny room. 不能让二十个人挤进这样一个狭小的房间里.
* The postman tried to crush the packet through the letter-box. 邮递员使劲把邮件塞进信箱里. crush sth out (of sth) remove sth by pressing or squeezing 挤出或榨出某物
*crush the juice out of oranges 榨橙子汁
* (fig 比喻) With his hands round her throat he crushed the life out of her. 他双手扼住她的喉咙把她掐死了.

/krʌʃ; krʌʃ/
1 [sing] crowd of people pressed close together 拥挤的人群
*a big crush in the theatre bar 剧院小卖部里拥挤不堪的人群
* I couldn't get through the crush. 我无法从人群中挤过去.
2 [C] ~ (on sb) (infml 口) strong but typically brief liking (for sb); infatuation (对某人的)强烈而短暂的喜爱, 迷恋
*Schoolchildren often have/get crushes on teachers. 小学生往往很钦佩老师.
3 [U] (Brit) drink made from fruit juice 果汁饮料
*lemon crush 柠檬饮料.
1. Don´t crush the box; it has flowers in it.
    别把盒子压破了, 里面有花.
