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divide为高中词汇   词频:1582


动词过去式:divided 过去分词:divided 现在分词:dividing 第三人称单数:divides 形容词:dividable


divid=to divide(分割) 变化型 divis

近义词, 同义词


partition  portion  separate  share  sort  split  unite    


/dɪ'vaɪd; də`vaɪd/
1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (up) (into sth) (cause sth to) split or break into parts; separate (使某物)分割开; 分开; 分隔
*The train divides at York. 这列火车在约克市调动车厢分途行驶.
* divide a large house (up) into flats 把一所大房子分隔成若干套间
* divide a novel (up) into chapters 把一部小说划分为若干章节
* divide the class (up) into small groups 把那个班分成几个小组.
2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (out/up) (between/among sb) break sth into parts and give a share to each of a number of individuals 分或分配某事物
*divide out/up the money, food, reward 分钱、食物、赏金
* We divided the work between us. 我们分担这工作.
3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (between A and B) split sth up, esp one's time, and use parts of it for different activities, etc; apportion sth 将某事物分割开; (尤指)分配时间; 分派某事物
*He divides his energies between politics and business. 他把一部分精力用来搞政治, 一部分用来搞业务.
4 [Tn.pr] ~ A from B separate or be the boundary between (two people or things) 将(两者)分隔开; 在(两者)之间划分界线
*The English Channel divides England from France. 英吉利海峡把英法两国分隔开来.
5 [Tn] cause (two or more people) to disagree 使(人)产生分歧
*This issue has divided the Government. 这一问题在政府中引起意见分歧.
* The Government is divided (on this issue). 政府(在这一问题上)意见不统一.
6 (a) [Tn.pr] ~ sth by sth find out how many times one number is contained in another 某数除以某数:
30 divided by
6 is 5. 30除以6等于5.
(b) ~ into sth be able to be multiplied to give another number (用某数)除某数:
5 divides into
30 6 times. 用5除30等于6.
7 [I, Tn] (esp Brit) (cause Parliament to) vote, by separating into groups for and against a motion (使议会)分组表决
*After a long debate the House divided, ie voted on the question. 议院经过长时间辩论之後, 进行了分组表决.
* divide the House, ie ask for a vote to be taken 要求议院付诸表决.

/dɪ'vaɪd; də`vaɪd/
n (esp US) line of high land separating two river systems; watershed 分水岭; 分水线
*the Continental/Great Di`vide, ie the watershed formed by the Rocky Mountains 大陆分水岭(落基山脉所形成的分水线).
1. The advertisements declare that active ingredients stimulate cells deep in the skin's layers to divide, so replacing old cells and effectively renewing the skin.

2. Caesar´s astronomers chose to divide the year into 12 months of about the same length.

3. I divide the cake into four parts.

4. If normal cells can be stimulated to divide, then abnormal ones could also be prompted to multiply, so causing or accelerating skin cancer.

5. For discussion purposes, we can divide these payments into three broad categories.
