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heel为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3799


动词过去式:heeled 过去分词:heeled 现在分词:heeling 第三人称单数:heels

近义词, 同义词


/hi:l; hil/
1 (a) back part of the human foot 足跟. =>illus at foot 见foot插图.
(b) part of a sock, stocking, etc covering this (袜子等的)踵部, 後跟.
(c) part of a boot or shoe supporting this (鞋、靴的)後跟. =>illus at shoe 见shoe插图.
2 thing like a heel in shape or position 外形或位置似踵部之物
*the heel of the hand, ie the front part next to the wrist 手掌根(手掌近腕部分).
3 (sl 俚) dishonourable man; rogue; villain 无耻之徒; 恶棍; 坏蛋.
4 (idm 习语) an/one's Achilles' heel => Achilles. at/on sb`s `heels; on the heels of sth following closely after sb/sth 紧跟在某人[某事物]後面
*The thief ran off with an angry crowd at his heels. 那小偷在前面跑, 一群愤怒的人在後面紧追.
* Famine often follows on the heels of war. 战争过後常闹饥荒. bring sb/sth to `heel/come to `heel
(a) (force sb to) submit to discipline and control (迫使某人)服从纪律和管束
*The rebels have been brought to heel. 反叛者被压制住了.
(b) (cause a dog to) come close behind its owner (让狗)紧跟在主人後面
*I'm training my dog to come to heel. 我在训练我的狗让它紧跟着我. cool one's heels => cool2. dig one's heels/toes in => dig1. ,down at `heel
(a) (of shoes) with the heels worn down by wear (指鞋)後跟磨掉的.
(b) (of a person) untidy and poorly dressed; shabby (指人)邋遢的, 衣衫褴褛的, 穿着寒酸的. drag one's feet/heels => drag2.hard on sb's heels => hard2. head over heels => head1. hot on sb's heels => hot. kick one's heels => kick1. ,kick up one's `heels behave excitedly (esp to show joy at freedom) 欢蹦乱跳(尤为表现无束缚之轻松愉快). show a clean pair of heels => show2. ,take to one's `heels run away 逃走
*We took to our heels and ran. 我们拔腿就跑. tread on sb's heels => tread. ,turn on one's `heel turn sharply round and go in the opposite direction 急转身回头走. under the heel of sb dominated by sb 受某人支配.

v [Tn] repair the heel of (a shoe, etc) 给(鞋等)修後跟
*These shoes need soling and heeling. 这鞋需上鞋底和修後跟.

/hi:l; hil/
v [I, Ip] ~ (over) (of a ship) lean over to one side (指船)倾侧
*The boat heeled he strong wind. 船在大风吹袭下倾到了一边.
1. The thinner and higher the heel, the greater the risk of foot and back problems.

2. Using his wicked little cane to trip it up, or aiming the heel of his boot for a well-placed kick at its broad rear.

3. He has a blister on his heel.

4. Most women wear shoes that fit poorly, usually ones that are too small, which adds pain to high-heel hell (痛苦).
