

美音:[læf ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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vi.笑,讥笑 n.笑,笑声


laugh为小学词汇   词频:3518


副词:laughingly 名词:laugher 动词过去式:laughed 过去分词:laughed 现在分词:laughing 第三人称单数:laughs

近义词, 同义词


chuckle  giggle  grin  guffaw  howl  roar  smile  snicker  titter  cry    


/lɑ:f; [US] læf; læf/
1 [I] make the sounds and movements of the face and body that express lively amusement, joy, contempt, etc 笑; 发笑
*laugh aloud/out loud 出声笑、大声笑
* He's so funny he always makes me laugh. 他真滑稽--总是引得我笑.
* Don't laugh (ie think me ridiculous), but I've decided to teach myself Chinese. 别笑话我, 我已决定自学汉语了.
2 [I] have these emotions 感到好笑
*a man who laughs in the face of danger 面临危险而付之一笑的男子
* She hasn't got much to laugh about, poor woman. 她难得开心笑笑, 真可怜.
3 (idm 习语) he who laughs last laughs `longest (saying 谚) (used as a warning against expressing joy or triumph too soon 用以提醒人不要过早高兴或庆幸胜利). laugh in sb's `face openly show one's contempt for sb 公开表示蔑视某人. laugh like a `drain (infml 口) laugh loudly 放声大笑. laugh on the other side of one's face (infml 口) be forced to change from joy or triumph to disappointment or regret 转喜为忧
*He'll be laughing on the other side of his face when he reads this letter. 他看到这封信就要转喜为悲了. laugh sb/sth out of `court (infml 口) dismiss sb/sth scornfully 对某人[某事物]藐视而不予理会
*Their allegations were simply laughed out of court. 他们提出的指责均不屑一顾. laugh oneself `silly/`sick become hysterical or ill by laughing excessively 笑得发狂或难受. laugh till/until one `cries laugh so long or hard that one's eyes water 笑得流眼泪. laugh sb/sth to scorn (fml 文) mock or ridicule sb/sth 取笑或讥笑某人[某事物]. laugh up one's `sleeve (at sb/sth) (infml 口) be secretly amused 暗笑; 窃喜
*She knew the truth all along and was laughing up her sleeve at us. 她早就知道真相, 却一直在暗中笑话我们.
4 (phr v) laugh at sb/sth
(a) show that one is amused by sb/sth 因某人[某事物]而发笑
*laugh at a comedian, a joke 被喜剧演员、被笑话逗笑.
(b) mock or ridicule sb/sth 取笑或讥笑某人[某事物]
*We all laughed at Jane when she said she believed in ghosts. 简说她相信有鬼, 大家都笑话她.
(c) disregard sb/sth; treat sb/sth with indifference 不在乎某人[某事物]; 对某人[某事物]不以为意
*laugh at danger 对危险等闲视之. laugh sth away dismiss (an unpleasant feeling, etc) by laughing 以笑消除(不快等)
*He tried without success to laugh her fears away. 他想以笑声来驱除她的恐惧, 但无济于事. laugh sb/sth down silence or reject sb/sth by laughing scornfully 用轻藐的笑止住某人[某事物]的声音或驳斥某人[某事物]
*laugh down a speaker, a proposal 用讪笑声止住演讲者的话、推翻一建议. laugh sth off (infml 口) show that one does not care about sth 一笑置之; 付之一笑
*An actor has to learn to laugh off bad reviews. 演员需学会能对贬斥性评论一笑置之的本事.
* There was an embarrassing silence after her indiscreet remark but she was able to laugh it off. 她出言不慎把大家窘得哑然无声, 她却有本事一笑置之. laugh sb out of sth cause sb to forget their problems, etc by making them laugh 使某人发笑以忘掉其问题等
*He could tell she was in a bad mood, and tried to laugh her out of it. 他看出她心情不好, 想逗她笑好让她不再想烦恼的事.

1 act, sound or manner of laughing 笑; 笑声; 笑的样子
*give, let out, break into, utter, etc a (loud) laugh (大声)笑、(大)笑起来、突然(大)笑、(朗声)一笑
* a cynical, gentle, polite, hearty, etc laugh 愤世嫉俗的、斯斯文文的、彬彬有礼的、开怀的...笑
* I recognized him by his raucous, penetrating laugh. 我听到他那沙哑而又刺耳的笑声就能认出是他.
2 (infml 口) amusing incident or person 引人发笑的事或人; 笑料; 笑柄
*And he didn't realize it was you? What a laugh! 他竟没认出那是你? 真可笑!
* (ironic 反语) Her, offer to help? That's a laugh! 她, 主动帮她忙? 简直是笑话!
* He's a real laugh such fun to be with. 他真是个活宝--跟他在一起真开心.
3 (idm 习语) have the last laugh => last1. raise a laugh/smile => raise.
1. Bill had carried his gold to the end; he would carry Bill's gold to the ship. Ha-ha! He would have the last laugh on Bill.

2. But one can't help feeling Chaplin would have regarded this strange incident as a fitting memorial — his way of having the last laugh on a world to which he had given so many.

3. We strut (高视阔步) around. We throw our heads a little, and laugh.

4. When someone "has a feeling" about someone else, people more often laugh than pay attention.

5. The comedian in the play made the audience laugh.

6. The man stopped suddenly and turned away. How could he laugh about Bill's bones and take his gold?

7. Thick hair, commanding voice, strong laugh.

8. No matter where you live, you would find it difficult not to laugh at, say, Charlie Chaplin´s early films.

9. His humorous remark made everyone laugh.

10. And existence an empty laugh braying across the mysteries;
