

美音:[´sækrə´faıs ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´sækrə´faıs ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.牺牲,献身,祭品,供奉 v.牺牲,献出,献祭,供奉


sacrifice为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5777


名词:sacrificer 动词过去式:sacrificed 过去分词:sacrificed 现在分词:sacrificing 第三人称单数:sacrifices



近义词, 同义词


forego  forfeit  give-up  lose  release  relinquish  surrender  waive  yield    


/'sækrɪfaɪs; `sækrə,faɪs/
1 ~ (to sb)
(a) [U] offering of sth valuable, often a slaughtered animal, to a god 供奉; 献祭; 祭祀
*the sacrifice of an ox to Jupiter 用牛祭祀古罗马主神朱庇特.
(b) [C] such an offering; thing offered in this way 供品; 祭品; 牺牲
*kill a sheep as a sacrifice 宰羊用作祭品.
2 (a) [U] giving up of sth, usu in return for sth more important or valuable 放弃某事物(通常指为获得更重要或更有价值的东西)
*Getting rich isn't worth the sacrifice of your principles.为致富而牺牲原则是不值得的.
* He became a top sportsman at some sacrifice to himself, ie by training very hard, giving up many pleasures, etc. 他付出了一些代价才成为优秀运动员.
(b) [C] thing given up in this way 牺牲的事物
*Her parents made many sacrifices so that she could go to university. 她父母为她上大学在多方面作了牺牲.

1 [Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ to sb; ~ sth (to sb) make a sacrifice(1) of (sth) to sb 供奉; 献祭; 祭祀
*sacrifice to idols 供奉偶像
* sacrifice a lamb to the gods 以羊羔祭祀众神.
2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (to sb/sth) give up sth as a sacrifice(2) 牺牲某事物
*She sacrificed her career to marry him. 她为了嫁给他牺牲了自己的事业.
* The car's designers have sacrificed comfort to economy, ie have made the car less comfortable in order to sell it at a low price. 汽车设计人员为降低造价舍弃了汽车舒适方面的一些设想.
* I'm not sacrificing my day off just to go shopping with Jane. 我可不愿意牺牲一天休假日单单陪简去买东西.
1. Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.

2. Getting rich isn´t worth the sacrifice of your principles.

3. He may even, in times of real need, do a little work; but he will never sacrifice his freedom.

4. Relatively few people are prepared to sacrifice holiday time for the pleasure of travelling by sea.

5. They demand sacrifice and unselfishness, a long-term investment of the parents' time and money.

6. In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity.

7. In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity.

8. In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity.

9. It is also criticized as a movement forcing a new generation of Japanese to sacrifice their childhood out of an extreme desire for status and getting ahead.
