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submission为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4213


miss,mit=to send(送),to throw(投;掷)

近义词, 同义词




/səb'mɪʃn; səb`mɪʃən/
n ~ (to sb/sth)
1 [U]
(a) acceptance of another`s power; submitting 归顺; 降服; 投降
*submission to sb's will 屈从于某人的意志
* starve the city into submission, ie force it to submit by cutting off its food supplies 以饥饿迫使该城投降.
(b) state in which one accepts the superior power of sb else 屈从; 服从; 顺从
*During the occupation, we had to live in total submission (to the invader). 在沦陷时期, 我们得听凭(侵略者的)摆布.
* parents who want children to show complete submission to their wishes 要孩子百依百顺的父母.
2 [C, U] (act of) presenting sth for consideration, a decision, etc 提交; 呈递
*the submission of a claim, a petition, an appeal, etc 要求、请愿书、上诉书等的提交.
3 [C, U] (law 律) opinion or argument presented to a judge or jury 向法官或陪审团提出的意见或论据
*In my submission, the witness is lying. 本人认为证人所言不实.


[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Old French;Origin:Latin, from submittere; SUBMIT]
the state of being completely controlled by a person or group, and accepting that you have to obey them
force/frighten/beat etc sb into submission
 Napoleon threatened to starve the country into submission.
in submission
 His head was bowed in submission.
[U and C]
when you give or show something to someone in authority, for them to consider or approve
 The deadline for the submission of proposals is May 1st.
 Plans were drawn up for submission to the housing council.
 Submissions will not be accepted after May 1.
an opinion or thought that you state
 It is important, in my submission , that a wider view of the matter be taken.
a request or suggestion that is given to a judge for them to consider
1. The criminal on the run made his submission to the police at last.
