

美音:[θʌm ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[θʌm ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.拇指 vt.以拇指拨弄,笨拙处理,弄坏,翻阅,作搭车手势 vi.用拇指翻书页


thumb为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4571


动词过去式:thumbed 过去分词:thumbed 现在分词:thumbing 第三人称单数:thumbs

近义词, 同义词

touch  feel  handle  finger  thumb  paw  fumble  grope  pet  manipulate  wield    


/θʌm; θʌm/
1 short thick finger set apart from the other four 拇指. =>illus at hand 见hand插图.
2 part of a glove covering this (手套的)拇指部分.
3 (idm 习语) be all (fingers and) `thumbs be very clumsy, esp when handling things 十分笨拙; (尤指)笨手笨脚. a rule of thumb => rule. stand/stick out like a sore thumb => sore. thumbs `up/`down (phrase or gesture used to indicate success or approval/failure or rejection 表示成功或赞许[失败或拒绝]的用语或手势)
*givesb/sth the thumbs up 称赞某人[某事物]
* I'm afraid it's thumbs down for your new proposal. 我看你的新建议是行不通了. twiddle one's thumbs => twiddle. under sb's `thumb completely under sb's influence or control 完全受某人的影响或支配
*She's got him under her thumb. 她把他管住了.

1 [Ipr, Tn] ~ (through) sth turn over the pages of (a book); make (a book, pages) worn or dirty by doing this 翻(书)页; 将(书、书页)翻坏或弄脏
*thumbing through the dictionary 翻查词典
* a well-thumbedcopy 翻旧了的一本书.
2 (idm 习语) thumb a `lift (try to) get a free ride in a motor vehicle by signalling with one's thumb; hitch-hike 向路过的机动车竖起拇指表示要求免费搭车. thumb one's nose at sb/sth make a rude gesture at sb/sth by putting one's thumb against the end of one's nose 将拇指放在鼻尖上作为对某人[某事物]表示轻蔑的手势.
1. Why is your thumb in bandage?

2. Why is your thumb in bandage?

3. They used to suffer for about 37 hours after surgery on average with a plastic tube as thick as a thumb running through their mouth or nose and down 11 inches of their throat.

4. The rule of thumb in such cases is to insist on their use, if you know meters are available.
