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upper为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1755

近义词, 同义词


greater  higher  superior  lower    


/'ʌpə(r); `ʌpɚ/
adj [attrib 作定语]
1 higher in place or position; situated above another (esp similar) part (位置或地位)较高的; 位于另一(尤指相似的)部分之上的
*the upper lip, arm, jaw 上唇、上臂、上颌
* one of the upper rooms, floors, windows 楼上的一个房间、上面的一层楼、上方的一个窗户
* temperatures in the upper sixties, ie between 65°F and 70°F 介于华氏65度至70度之间的温度.
2 situated on higher ground or to the north or far inland 位于高地的; 靠北的或深入内陆的
*Upper Egypt, ie the part furthest from the Nile delta 上埃及地区(距尼罗河三角洲最远的部分)
* the upper (reaches of the) Thames 泰晤士河的上游.
3 higherin rank or wealth 级别较高的; 较富有的
*the upper classes, ie of society (社会的)上层阶级
* salaries/people in the upper income bracket 属高收入等级的薪金[人们]. Cf 参看 low1 3.
4 (idm 习语) gain, get, etc the upper `hand (over sb) get the advantage (over sb); control sb (较某人)处于有利地位; 占(某人的)上风; 控制某人
*Our team gained/had the upper hand in the second half. 我们队在下半场占了上风.
* Don't let your feelings get the upper hand over you. 不要感情用事.a stiff upper lip => stiff. the upper crust (infml or joc 口或谑) the highest social class 社会的最高阶层
*belong to the upper crust 属于上流社会.

1 part of a shoe or boot above the sole鞋面; 靴面; 鞋帮.
2 (infml 口) drug that gives an exaggerated feeling of cheerfulness 兴奋剂. Cf 参看 downer.
3 (idm 习语) be on one's `uppers (infml 口) have very little money 十分贫困.
1. The upper part of me that will show above the table will cause no suspicion in the waiter´s mind.

2. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on an island in Upper New York Bay in 1886.

3. Today, men still have the upper hand.

4. The cards with names and other data were folded on the upper right-hand corner so he can photograph them right-side-up.

5. Her wealth and reputation gave her (an) entree into upper-class circles.

6. And then on to the upper-scale stores and coffee shops during the lunch hour.

7. Please close the upper window.

8. My G-suit, now fully filled with air, compressed my legs to force the blood back into the upper part of my body.

9. I found that since there was no other person to work at it but myself, it would have to be ten to twelve years before I could go through with it; for the shore lay high, and at the upper end it must have been twenty feet deep.

10. From one of the upper windows in the apartment house, a man called down: “Let that girl alone!”
