

美音:[wæks ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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n.蜡,蜡状物,增加,月亮由亏转盈 vi.变大,增大,月亮渐满 vt.上蜡于




动词过去式:waxed 过去分词:waxed 现在分词:waxing 第三人称单数:waxes

近义词, 同义词


burnish  develop  enlarge  flourish  furbish  gain  glaze  grow  heighten  increase  intensify  polish  rise  shine  sprout  swell    


/wæks; wæks/
n [U]
1 (also `beeswax)
(a) soft sticky yellow substance produced by bees and used by them for making honeycombs 蜂蜡.
(b) this substance used, after being bleached and purified, for making candles, modelling, etc (从蜂蜡提纯的)蜡(用以制蜡烛、蜡像等).
2 any of various soft sticky or oily substances that melt easily (obtained eg from petroleum), used for making candles, polish, etc (从其他物质, 如石油提炼的)蜡(用以制蜡烛、上光剂等)
*paraffin wax 石蜡
* sealing wax 封蜡
* [attrib 作定语] a wax candle 蜡烛
* wax polish 上光蜡.
3 yellow substance like wax that is secreted in the ears 耳垢; 耵聍; 耳屎.

v [Tn]
(a) polish (sth) with wax 给(某物)上蜡
*waxed floors, linoleum, wood 打过蜡的地板、油地毡、木头.
(b) coat (sth) with wax 用蜡涂(某物)
*waxed paper, thread 上过蜡的纸、线.

/wæks; wæks/
1 [I] (of the moon) show a large bright area that gradually increases until the moon is full (指月亮)渐圆, 渐满. Cf 参看 wane 1.
2 [La] (dated or rhet 旧或修辞) become; grow (逐渐)变成
*wax eloquent, lyrical, etc on the subject 对这个问题畅谈起来、兴趣大增等.
3 (idm 习语) ,wax and `wane increase and then decrease in strength or importance (力量或重要性)兴衰, 盛衰
*Throughout history empires have waxed and waned. 历史上各个帝国革故鼎新均有兴衰.
1. They also found something which the X-ray plates did not show: a small wax figure of the god Duamutef.

2. All these he fixed together with glue , string , wax and many wires.
