

美音:[wıʃ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[wıʃ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.愿望,心愿,请求,所愿望的事物,祝愿 v.希望,想要,但愿,祝贺


wish为中学词汇   词频:2538


名词:wisher 动词过去式:wished 过去分词:wished 现在分词:wishing 第三人称单数:wishes

近义词, 同义词


desire  fancy  like  long-for  request  want    


/wɪʃ; wɪʃ/
1 (a) [Ipr] ~ for sth/sb have or express a desire for sth/sb (esp sth/sb that is likely to be achieved or obtained only by good fortune) 想要某事物[某人](尤指靠运气方可得者)
*It's no use wishing for things you can't have. 想要得不到的事物是徒劳的.
* His wife is everything a man could wish for. 他的妻子具有男人想要的一切优秀品质.
* What more could one wish for? ie Everything is perfect. 夫复何求? (一切已尽善尽美. )
(b) [Tf, Cn.a] (with that often omitted and the that-clause usu in the past tense 与that从句连用, 但常省去that, 从句通常用过去时态) have as a desire that is unfulfilled or unlikely to be fulfilled 怀着(未实现的或不大可能实现的)愿望
*I wish you hadn't told me all this. 我倒希望你当初别把这一切都告诉我.
* She wished she had (ie was sorry she had not) stayed at home. 她懊悔的是她当时要是在家就好了.
* I wish I knew what was going to happen. 但愿我能知道要发生什么事.
* I wish he wouldn't go out every night. 他要不是每天晚上都出去就好了.
* I wish I were rich. 我恨不得我很富有.
* She began to wish the whole business finished. 她这时巴不得整个事情都结束才好.
* He's dead and it's no use wishing him alive again. 他已经死了, 希望他再活过来的想法也是枉然.
(c) [Tn, Tt, Cn.t] (fml 文) demand or want (sth) 要求或想要(某事物)
*I'll do it if that's what you wish. 要是您要求这样做, 我一定照办.
* I wish to leave my property to my children. 我想把财产留给子女.
* She wishes to be alone. 她希望别打扰她.
* I wish it to be clear that the decision is final. 我希望明确一下儿, 这个决定是不可更改的.
* Do you wish me to serve dinner now? 您想让我现在开饭吗? =>Usage at hope 用法见hope.
2 [Dn.n]
(a) say that one hopes sb will have sth 祝愿某人有某事物
*They wished us a pleasant journey. 他们祝我们旅途愉快.
* His colleagues wished him happiness on his retirement. 他的同事祝他退休後幸福安乐.
* Wish me luck! 祝我走运吧!
(b) say (sth) as a greeting 说(某话语)(表示问候或用以打招呼)
*wish sb good morning, goodbye, happy birthday, welcome, etc 向某人说早上好、再见、生日快乐、欢迎等.
3 [I] formulate (and express) a desire 怀着(并表达)某愿望
*Do you wish when you see a shooting star? 你看见流星时提出愿望吗?
4 (idm 习语) (just) as you `wish I am prepared to agree with you or to do what you want 随你的便
*We can meet at my house or yours, just as you wish. 我们可以在我家见面也可在你家, 随你的便. wish sb/sth `well/`ill hope that sb/sth does/does not have good fortune 希望某人[某事物]走运[倒霉]
*I wish him well in his new job. 我希望他在新的工作中万事如意.
* She said she wished nobody ill. 她说她希望谁也别遭殃.
5 (phr v) wish sth away try to get rid of something by wishing it did not exist 希望某事物并不存在藉以竭力摆脱之
*These problems can't be wished away, you know. 你要知道, 这些问题并不是你希望它不存在它就不存在. wish sb/sth on sb (infml 口) pass (an unwanted or unpleasant task, visitor, etc) on to sb 把(不喜欢的任务、来访者等)转给某人
*It's not a job I'd wish on anybody. 这项工作并不是我不喜欢而想把它推给别人.
* I don't think we can wish the children on your parents while we're away. 我认为咱们不在家时不能把孩子都硬塞给你父母看管.

1 (a) [C] ~ (to do sth); ~ (for sth)(expression of a) desire or longing 愿望; 希望
*She expressed a wish to be alone. 她表示希望不要打搅她.
* He had no wish to intrude on their privacy. 他原本就不想触犯他们私人活动的自由.
* If you had three wishes what would you choose? 假设你有三个愿望, 这三个愿望都是什么呢?
* Her wish came true, ie She got what she wished for. 她的愿望实现了.
* You have deliberately acted against my wishes. 你故意和我的想法对着干.
(b) wishes [pl] ~es (for sth) (expression of) hopes for sb's happiness or welfare 祝愿; 祝福
*with best wishes, eg at the end of a letter 祝好(如信中结尾语)
* We all send our best wishes (for your recovery). 我们都祝你早日康复.
2 [U] that which is wished for 希望得到的事物
*You will get your wish. 你将如愿以偿.
3 (idm 习语) the ,wish is ,father to the `thought (saying fml 谚, 文) one thinks that sth is true or likely because one wants it to be so 有什么心愿就有什么想法. your wish is my com`mand (fml or joc 文或谑) I am ready to do whatever you ask 我唯阁下之命是从.