副词:autumnally 形容词:autumnal
/'ɔ:təm; `ɔtəm/
(US fall) n [U, C] the third season of the year, coming between summer and winter, ie from September to November in the northern hemisphere 秋, 秋天, 秋季(一年的第三季, 在北半球为从九月至十一月)
*The leaves turn brown in autumn. 秋天树叶变黄.
* in the autumn of
1980 在1980年的秋天
* in (the) early/late autumn 在初[晚]秋
* It's been one of the coldest autumns for years. 这是多年来最冷的秋天.
* [attrib 作定语] autumn colours, weather, fashions 秋季的色彩, 天气, 流行式样
* (fig 比喻) in the autumn of (ie the later part of) one's life 在暮年(晚年).
n alsofallAmE [U and C]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Latin;Origin: autumnus]
the season between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes cooler
autumn mists
1. They were in the same grade, even though Autumn was a year older. 她俩同年级,尽管秋比桑迪大一岁。做作业时,
2. During spring and summer and autumn he was very happy, but when winter came, he suffered from cold and hunger, and often went to bed without supper. 在春天、夏天和秋天,他很快活。可是一到冬天,他便饥寒交迫,
3. Autumn is rich with fruit and grain, 秋天丰收,谷果满仓,
4. Autumn is the best season in Beijing. 秋天是北京最美的季节,
5. At school, Sandy often went to the library with her best friend, Autumn, who came to America from Japan. 在学校,桑迪经常和她的知心朋友秋去图书馆。秋是从日本来美国的。
6. Autumn's parents made her study on Saturday nights but Sandy didn't tell her parents. 而秋的父母强迫秋星期六晚上也学习。这一点,桑迪没有告诉自己的父母。
7. An only child, Autumn liked hearing about Sandy's brother. 秋喜欢听桑迪哥哥的事情,因为她家就她一个独生女。
8. Autumn's parents didn't permit her to date and insisted Autumn attend Japanese school on Saturdays. 秋的父母不让她去约会。他们还坚持要秋星期六也得去上日语课。
9. Autumn described Jackson as very funny, always telling jokes and making her laugh. 秋说杰克逊非常有趣,老讲笑话,逗得秋大笑。
10. After seeing Jackson, Autumn usually shared his jokes with Sandy. 见过杰克逊后,秋通常都要把他说的笑话讲给桑迪听。