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1. Well, she came with the same cargo she had on leaving James Fort, Gambia River, except that her original 140 slaves had become 98.

2. While white people had previously been used as models for most American coins, famed artist James Earle Fraser went against tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation.

3. The most enduring portrait of Uncle Sam was created by artist James Montgomery Flagg in his famous army recruiting posters of World Wars I and II.

4. Number 18 was of a ship moving out of the Gambia River,James Fort.

5. Another American, James Murray Spangler, designed a much lighter machine in 1907 with an electric engine.

6. Sir James Clark Ross had obtained a sounding of over 2,400 fathoms in 1839.

7. Sir James Clark Ross had obtained a sounding of over 2,400 fathoms in 1839, but it was not until 1869, when H. M. S. Porcupine was put at the disposal of the Royal Society for several cruises,

8. Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst.

9. James Boswell admired Samuel Johnson´s power of repartee.

10. James Cameron of the London News Chronicle, who was in China in 1954, reported even then the pace of building was unbelievable; how four new hospitals, six factories, and eleven full-scale blocks, had been laid out, started and completed in a matter
