

美音:[´səuvıət ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´səuvıət ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.代表会议,劳工代表会议,苏联,苏维埃 adj.苏联的,苏维埃的




/'səʊvɪət, 'sɒv-; `sovɪət, `sɑv-/
1 [C] (formerly) any of the councils of workers, etc in any part of the USSR (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (旧时)苏维埃(苏联各地的工人等的代表会议)
*the Supreme Soviet, ie the governing council of the whole of the USSR 最高苏维埃(苏联的全国权力机构).
2 the Soviets [pl] (esp US) (formerly) the people of the USSR; their leaders (旧时)苏联人民, 苏联领导人.


an elected council in a Communist country
1. The name of this Soviet astronaut was Leonov; and the date was March 18, 1965.
    这位苏联宇航员的名字叫做列昂诺夫; 那是1965年3月18日.

2. The name of this Soviet astronaut was Leonov; and the date was March 18, 1965.
    这位苏联宇航员的名字叫做列昂诺夫; 那是1965年3月18日.

3. This would have required Roosevelt to drive daily through unguarded streets across town to the Soviet and British embassies.

4. The first plenary session of the Teheran Conference convened in the conference room at the Soviet Embassy at 4 p.m.

5. Quite obviously he felt that it would be much more dangerous for the Soviet Union to be outside any world organization than to be in it, provided it could block actions it did not like.

6. He moved all three matches from east to west and said that was what should be done — meaning that much of the new Poland should be carved out of Germany and that the Soviet Union should retain the Polish territory seized on the basis of the Nazi-Sovi

7. Stalin proposed that Roosevelt move into a separate building in the heavily guarded Soviet Compound, where the meetings could be held in safety.

8. Soviet secret policemen guarded the room.
