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/-mən; -mən/
n (pl -men)
(a) man who is employed to do manual or mechanical work (男)工人.
(b) person who works in the specified way 以某种方式工作的人
*a good, neat, conscientious, etc workman 工作出色的、仔细的、认真的...人
* skilled/unskilled workmen 技术熟练的[不熟练的]人
* (saying 谚) A bad workman blames his tools. 技术差的人埋怨工具差. `workmanlike adj of or like a good workman; practical and skilful (似)优秀工人的; 技术 熟的
*He did a very workmanlike job on it. 他这件工作做得非常漂亮.
* The team produced a very workmanlike performance. 这个队技巧表现得十分熟练. `workmanship n [U]
(a) person's skill in working 手艺; 技艺
*They admired her workmanship. 他们很钦佩她的手艺.
(b) quality of this as seen in sth that has been made 工作质量; 工艺
*Our new washing-machine keeps breaking down it's entirely due to shoddy workmanship. 我们的新洗衣机老出毛病--完全是因为做的质量太差.


npluralworkmen [-mən/
1. While on a walking tour with his wife, he stopped to talk to a workman.

2. The workman´s face lit up.

3. After they had gone on, Mrs. Bussman commented on the workman´s close resemblance to her husband and even suggested that he might be his brother.

4. A few days later, she sent a boy to the workman to ask him if his name was Hans Bussman.
