n[C]AmE cockpit, wing, tail a vehicle that flies through the air and has one or more engines British Equivalent: aeroplane = plane
1. Even a monkey could fly this airplane." 就算是只猴子,也能开这架飞机。"
2. We bought a new airplane. 我们购买了一架新飞机。
3. We were impatient for the airplane to start. 我们巴不得飞机起飞。
4. "You must have to be an engineer or computer scientist to fly this airplane," I commented over the microphone. 我通过麦克风发表了自己的看法:"驾驶这架飞机,你得是个工程师或者是名计算机科学家。"
5. On July 3, 1947, a U.S. Army airplane disappeared 100 miles off Bermuda without broadcasting any word of difficulty. 1947年7月3日,一架美国空军飞机消失在百慕大附近100英里的地方,事先没有任何遇难警示。
6. I had an airplane ticket to New York from India in 10 days. 我买好了10天后从印度飞往纽约的机票。