

美音:[bəust ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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n.自夸,值得夸耀的事物 v.自夸,以有...而自豪


boast为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5026


副词:boastfully 形容词:boastful 名词:boaster 动词过去式:boasted 过去分词:boasted 现在分词:boasting 第三人称单数:boasts

近义词, 同义词


brag  belittle  depreciate    


/bəʊst; bost/
1 [I, Ipr, Tf] ~ (about/of sth) talk (about one's own achievements, abilities, etc) with too much pride and satisfaction 自夸; 自吹自擂
*He's always boasting about his children's success at school. 他总是夸耀他的孩子们学习成绩好.
* That's nothing to boast about. 那没有什么值得自吹的.
* He boasted of being/boasted that he was the best player in the team. 他自夸是队里的最佳队员.
2 [Tn] possess (sth to be proud of) 有(引以为荣的事物)
*The town boasts a world-famous art gallery. 这个镇子引以为荣的是有个闻名于世的美术馆.

1 ~ (that...) (derog 贬) boastful statement 自夸的话
*His boast that he could drink ten pints of beer impressed nobody. 他自吹自擂说能喝十品脱啤酒, 但无人理睬他.
2 thing that one is proud of; cause for satisfaction 引以自豪的事物; 令人满意的原因
*It was his proud boast that he had never missed a day's work because of illness. 他从未请过一天病假, 这是他引以自豪的事.
1. This boast is not confirmed by my memory of anybody who on Sunday morning has forced me to partake of his adventure.
    在我的记忆中, 这种夸夸其谈从未被任何一位星期日早晨强迫我参加他的散步活动者证实.

2. He boast that he was the strongst man in the village turned out to be unture.

3. It tires not, nor does it boast of its power;
