

美音:[bri:f ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[bri:f ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.摘要,大纲 adj.简短的,短暂的 vt.摘要,(军事)下达简令


brief为高中词汇   词频:1861


副词:briefly 名词:briefer 形容词比较级:briefer 最高级:briefest 动词过去式:briefed 过去分词:briefed 现在分词:briefing 第三人称单数:briefs



近义词, 同义词


concise  curt  short  terse  long  prolonged    


/bri:f; brif/
adj (-er, -est)
1 (a) lasting only a short time; short 时间短暂的; 简短的
*a brief conver-sation, discussion, meeting, visit, delay 短暂的谈话、讨论、会议、访问、耽搁
* Mozart's life was brief. 莫扎特的一生是短暂的.
(b) (of speech or writing) using few words; concise (指说话或写作)简短的; 简洁的
*a brief account, report, description, etc of the accident 对事故简短的叙述、报道、描述
* Please be brief, ie say what you want to say quickly. 请简断截说.
2 (of clothes) short; scanty (指衣着)短的, 刚刚够大的
*a brief bikini 短小的比基尼游泳衣.
3 (idm 习语) in brief in a few words 简言之
*In brief, your work is bad. 总之, 你做得不好.

/bri:f; brif/
1 (a) summary of the facts of a legal case prepared for a barrister (为讼务律师准备的)案情摘要.
(b) case given to a barrister (给讼务律师承办的)案件
*Will you accept this brief? 你接受这个案件吗?
2 instructions and information relating to a particular situation, job, or task (对某情况、工作或任务的)指示和资料
*stick to one's brief, ie only do what one is required to do 照章办事(仅做分内的事)
* It's not part of my brief to train new employees. 训练新雇员不是我工作范围以内的事.
3 (idm 习语) hold no brief for (sb/sth) not wish to support or be in favour of (sb/sth) 不支持, 不赞成(某人[某事物])
*I hold no brief for those who say that violence can be justified. 我不赞成人们说有时使用暴力是合乎情理的.

1 [Tn, Tnt] give a brief2(1a) to (sb) 将案件委托(某人)
*The company has briefed a top lawyer to defend it. 公司已将案件委托给最好的律师进行辩护.
2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (on sth) give sb detailed information or instructions in advance (about sth) 事先给某人详细介绍或指示(某事物)
*The Prime Minister was fully briefed before the meeting. 首相在会议前已掌握了详尽资料.
* The Air Commodore briefed the bomber crew on their dangerous mission. 空军准将向轰炸机机组下达执行危险任务的各项指示. Cf 参看 debrief. briefing n [C, U] detailed instructions and information given at a meeting (esp before a military operation) (会议上作的)详细指示和介绍; (尤指军事行动前的)会议部署
(a) thorough briefing 听取详细指示
* [attrib 作定语] a briefing session 任务布置会.