

美音:[´brɔdən ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´brɔdən ]点这儿播放单词英音发声




名词:broadener 动词过去式:broadened 过去分词:broadened 现在分词:broadening 第三人称单数:broadens

近义词, 同义词


/'brɔ:dn; `brɔdn/
v [I, Ip, Tn] ~ (out) (cause sth to) become broader (使某物)加宽; 变宽
*He (ie His body) broadened out in his twenties. 他二十多岁时身躯变宽了.
* The road broadens (out) after this bend. 经过这一弯处以後, 路就变宽了.
* You should broaden your experience by travelling more. 你应该多到各地走走以增广见识.


to increase something such as your knowledge, experience, or range of activities
 The course helps school-leavers broaden their knowledge of the world of work.
 I'd like to work abroad to broaden my horizons (=learn, experience, or attempt new things) .
 Travel broadens the mind (=helps you to understand and accept other people's beliefs, customs etc) .
[I and T]
to affect or include more people or things, or to make something affect or include more people or things
= widen,
 Mr Mates said the party must broaden its appeal to younger voters.
 Flynn's appeal broadened as the campaign continued into the summer months.
 I want to broaden the discussion to other aspects of the problem.
[I and T]
to make something wider or to become wider
= widen
 Mark's smile broadened.
 The council decided to broaden the pavement.
broaden outphr v
if something, especially a river or road, broadens out, it becomes wider
= widen out
 The river broadens out at this point.