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certainty为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4216




-ty 表示抽象名称的词尾 变化型 -ety,-ity

近义词, 同义词


doubt  mistrust  uncertainty    


/'sɜ:tntɪ; `sɝtntɪ/ n
1 [C] thing that is certain 确定的事情
*England will lose the match that's a certainty! 这场比赛英格兰要输--这是肯定的!
* That horse is a certainty, ie is certain to win. 那匹马赢定了(准赢).
2 [U] state of being certain 确知; 确信; 确实; 必然
*I can't say with any certainty where I shall be next week. 我说不准我下星期在什么地方.
* We can have no certainty of success. 我们没有成功的把握.


the state of being completely certain
with certainty
 She knew with absolute certainty that he'd say no.
 The result is impossible to predict with any degree of certainty .
the fact that something is certain to happen
certainty of (doing) sth
 the certainty of being caught
certainty that
 There's no certainty that he'll remember.
something that is definitely true or that will definitely happen
 He usually does quite well, but it's not a certainty.
 The only certainty is that there will need to be major changes.
1. But other suns, stars as the astronomers call them, are bound to have planets like our own, and as the number of stars in the universe is so vast, this possibility becomes virtual certainty.

2. Descartes had unsuccessfully searched for certainty, first in the world of books, and then in the world of men. Then in a dream on November 10, 1619, he made the significant discovery that he could only find certainty in his own thoughts, cogito erg

3. Its certainty has been accepted.
