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civil为六级词汇   词频:1166



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/'sɪvl; `sɪvl/
1 of or relating to the citizens of a country 公民的; 民间的; 国内的
*civil disorder, eg rioting 民间的动乱
* civil strife, eg fighting between different political or religious groups within a country 内乱.
2 of or relating to ordinary citizens rather than the armed forces or the Church 普通公民的(非军队的或教会的); 文职的; 文官的
*civil government 文官政府.
3 polite and helpful 礼貌的; 助人的; 文明的
*How very civil of you! 你多么彬彬有礼呀!
* Keep a civil tongue in your head! ie Don't speak rudely! 说话要文明有礼!
4 involving civil law rather than criminal law 民法的(非刑法的)
*civil cases 民事案件
* a civil court 民事诉讼法庭. Cf 参看 criminal
2 (crime).


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin:Latin civilis, from civis; CIVIC]
[only before noun]
relating to the people who live in a country
civil war/disturbance/unrest etc
(=fighting etc between different groups of people living in the same country)
civil liberty, civil rights
[only before noun]
relating to the ordinary people or things in a country that are not part of military, government, or religious organizations
 They were married in a civil ceremony in May.
[only before noun]
relating to the laws about the private affairs of citizens, such as laws about business or property, rather than laws about crime
civil law, criminal criminal
 Many civil cases can be settled out of court.
polite in a formal but not very friendly way
 Try at least to be civil.
1. Besides criminal history, workers' insurance claims, and civil court records, one of their core products is credit information, which isn't always accurate.

2. We were tired of being pushed around by officious civil servants.

3. When surveyors ask U.S. female high-school students what they are going to do when they graduate, they list all kinds of roles they want to fill, like doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, civil servants, police and firemen, and fighter pilots.

4. This simple truth was demonstrated rather dramatically during a civil defence exercise in a small town in Canada.

5. The Swedes were the first to recognize that public officials like civil servants, police officers, health inspectors or tax-collectors can make mistakes or act over-zealously in the belief that they are serving the public.

6. The period following the Civil War said "Get set!";

7. He is a civil servant.

8. She told me how the Chinese civil war kept him away from his mother for fifty years, so neither of them even knew that the other was alive.

9. Professional teachers are brought in to help with special subjects, but mostly parents and children work together on units like studying the Greeks or the American Civil War, reading about events, making costumes(戏装), and learning how people used to

10. Civil aviation in this area develops very quickly.
