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controlled为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5309


deliberately done in a particular way, or made to have particular qualities
 a test held under controlled conditions
 a controlled explosion
limited by a law or rule
 Access to the site is closely controlled.
 a police search for controlled drugs (=a drug that is illegal to have without permission from a doctor)
calm and not showing emotion, even if you feel angry, afraid etc
 a controlled, authoritative voice
1. We want it to stay down the hole until we can lead it off in a controlled manner.

2. The bank is controlled by a famous financier.

3. These movements are controlled by the trainer with the metal-pointed stick,

4. The questions include: "Have you ever been a controlled substance (drug) salesman, or a sex slave or pimp?"

5. Heredity is controlled by genes.

6. Drug traffic is controlled by the underworld.

7. Another advance, a computer-controlled brain scanning device, has led to a second discovery by those seeking the biological component of mental abilities.

8. Cars will be almost entirely controlled by computers.

9. One group performed balance exercises on a computer-controlled platform once a week, one group took a weekly tai chi class, and a control group met for a weekly discussion.

10. Fashion culture controlled by models leads us to offer our toes and our check books to satisfy some men's idea of sexy (性感的) shoes.
