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critic为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2264


crit=to judge(判断)

近义词, 同义词


/'krɪtɪk; `krɪtɪk/ n
1 person who expresses a low opinion of sb/sth, points out faults in sb/sth, etc 批评者
*I am my own severest critic. 我是个严于律己者.
* She confounded her critics by breaking the record, ie They said she would not be able to do so, but she did. 她打破了纪录, 这把批评她的人弄得狼狈不堪.
2 person who evaluates and describes the quality of sth, esp works of art, literature, music, etc 评论员, 评论家(尤指对艺术、文学、音乐等作品)
*a music, theatre, literary, etc critic 音乐、戏剧、文学等评论员
* a play praised by the critics 评论家交口称誉的剧本.


[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin;Origin: criticus, from Greek kritikos, from krinein; CRITERION]
someone whose job is to make judgments about the good and bad qualities of art, music, films etc
= reviewer
music/art/film/theatre/literary critic
 a review by the theatre critic of the Sunday Times
someone who criticizes a person, organization, or idea
critic of
 Critics of the scheme have said that it will not solve the problem of teenage crime.
fierce/outspoken critic
 He has always been an outspoken critic of the government.
armchair critic
someone who criticizes other people but who does not have any proper experience of the activity the other people are doing
word choicecritic, review, criticism, critique
!! Do not use critic to refer to something that a critic says or writes.
A review is the usual word for a short article that a critic writes in a newspaper or magazine : His first novel got wonderful reviews. |Have you read the reviews of her play?
criticism is the activity of publishing opinions about things such as books and films, or a group of essays, lectures etc on this subject : a collection of literary criticism
A critique is a detailed explanation of the problems of something such as a set of political ideas, in the form of a speech, book, article etc : He wrote a critique of capitalism.

1. The latter name particularly bothers me since my name is Joe, which some think makes me more qualified to be a baseball player than, say, an art critic.

2. He is a trenchant critic.

3. Actors feared the critic´s mordant pen.

4. Yet, despite this disadvantage, I did manage to become an art critic for a time.

5. He submits himself to a more ruthless discipline than any critic dreamed of,
