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v.横越 n.横越,交叉口


crossing为小学词汇   词频:6267

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/'krɒsɪŋ; [US] 'krɔ:s-; `krɔsɪŋ/
1 journey across a sea, wide river, etc (经大海、大河等的)横越, 横渡
*a rough crossing from Dover to Calais 从多佛港到加来港之艰险的横渡.
2 place where two roads, two railways, or a road and a railway, cross 十字路口; (铁路的)交叉道口; (公路与铁路的)平交道口. Cf 参看 level crossing (level1).
3 (a) place, esp on a street, where pedestrians can cross safely 人行横道. Cf 参看 pedestrian crossing (pedestrian), pelican crossing (pelican), zebra crossing (zebra).
(b) place where one crosses from one country to another (由一国至另一国的)过境处
*arrested by guards at the border crossing 在越境地点被卫兵逮捕.


a place where you can safely cross a road, railway, river etc
 You must give way to any pedestrians on the crossing.
level crossing, pedestrian crossing, pelican crossing, zebra crossing
a place where two lines, roads, tracks etc cross
 Turn left at the first crossing.
a journey across the sea, a lake, or a river
 The crossing was rough.
1. The crossing voyage of about 5000 miles took two months, three weeks and two days.

2. The story began on a downtown Brooklyn street corner. An elderly man had collapsed while crossing the street, and an ambulance rushed him to Kings County Hospital.

3. The truck driver was very fit. He rode quickly, making big circles in the parking lot near the border crossing.

4. Queen Elizabeth and French President Francois Mitterrand will ride a train downward into the $15 billion Channel Tunnel today, crossing the English Channel by land for the first time since it was a marsh 8,000 years ago.

5. He is crossing the bridge.

6. After crossing the Equator, the captain called in at a port to have a new rudder fitted,

7. At 125th Street, Mr. Torres would transfer to the Number 4 train by crossing the platform.

8. Computers will show drivers maps of districts the car is crossing on a small screen in the car.

9. I remember driving one night with my friend in her parents' automobile. We stopped at a red light at Carlton and Tulane where a black man was crossing the street in front of us.

10. For hundreds of years, St. Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous Pass.
