

美音:[daıs ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[daıs ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.骰子 vt.切成方块 vi.掷骰子




cube  cut    


/daɪs; daɪs/
n (pl unchanged 复数不变)
1 (a) [C] small cube of wood, bone, plastic, etc that has a different number of spots on each side, from one to six, used in games of chance 色子; 骰子
*a pair of dice 一对色子
* shake/roll/throw the dice 摇[滚/掷]色子. =>illus 见插图.
(b) [U] game played with this 掷色子游戏
*play dice 玩掷色子游戏.
2 (idm 习语) load the dice => load2. no `dice (sl 俚 esp US) no agreement (to sth requested) 不同意(某要求); 拒绝; 不行
*`Shall we change the plan?' `No dice, we'll stick with the original one.' `我们变动一下计划好吗?'`不行, 我们要按原计划行事.'

1 [I] gamble using dice 用色子赌博.
2 [Tn, Tn.p] cut (meat, vegetables, etc) into small cubes 将(肉、蔬菜等)切成小方块, 切成丁
*Dice the beetroot (up) neatly. 将甜菜根切成整齐的小方块.
3 (idm 习语) dice with death (infml 口) risk one's life 冒生命危险; 玩儿命.


Franco Lo Giudice (14 March 1893 - 8 August 1990) was an Italian tenor who had a successful international opera career during the first half of the twentieth century. He was an important exponent of the works of Riccardo Zandonai, notably starring in the world premieres of his operas I cavalieri di Ekebù (1925) and Giuliano (1928).
1. One of the dice has rolled under the table.
