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dignity为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4704





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/'dɪgnətɪ; `dɪˇnətɪ/
1 [U] quality that earns or deserves respect; true worth 高尚的品质; 可贵的品质; 真正的价值; 尊严; 尊贵
*the dignity of labour 劳动的尊严
* Only a truly free person has human dignity. 只有真正自由的人才具有人的尊严.
2 [U] calm or serious manner or style 庄严的举止; 端庄的仪态
*She kept her dignity despite the booing. 尽管嘘声四起, 她依旧泰然自若.
3 [C] (fml 文) high or honourable rank, post or title 高位或显要职衔
*The Queen conferred the dignity of a peerage on him. 女王封他为贵族.
4 (idm 习语) be,neath one's `dignity (often ironic 常作反语) below one's social, moral, etc standards 有失身分、尊严、体面等
*Some husbands still think it beneath their dignity to do the shopping. 有些做丈夫的至今仍然认为让他们去买东西是件丢面子的事. ,stand on one's `dignity insist on behaving or being treated in a special way because one thinks oneself important (因自爱)保持尊严; (因自命不凡)摆架子
*She doesn't stand on her dignity and treat the rest of us as servants. 她没有端着架子把我们当作仆人对待.


[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French;Origin: dignité, from Latin dignitas 'worth', from dignus 'deserving admiration']
the ability to behave in a calm controlled way even in a difficult situation
with dignity
 The family faced their ordeal with dignity and courage.
 an appearance of quiet dignity
your dignity
your sense of your own value or importance
retain/lose your dignity
 Old people need to retain their dignity and independence.
 Arguing was beneath her dignity (=was something she thought she was too important to do) .
the fact of being respected or deserving respect
with dignity
 Patients should be allowed to die with dignity.
 Prisoners should be treated with regard for human dignity .
a calm and serious quality
dignity of
 the dignity of the occasion
stand on your dignity
formal to demand to be treated with proper respect
1. But why suppose that the laws that protect our rights and dignity would not be applicable to cloned persons?

2. Victorian parents believed that they kept their dignity by retreating behind an
    维多利亚时代的父母相信, 他们以无理的权威气派为屏障, 可以保持自己的威严;

3. Victorian parents believed that they kept their dignity by retreating behind an unreasoning authoritarian attitude;

4. Such a loss of dignity and descent into childish behaviour on the part of the adults deeply shocks the adolescents, and makes them resolve that in future they will not talk to their parents about the places or people they visit.

5. Cloning is a radical challenge to the most fundamental laws of biology, so it's reasonable to be concerned that it might be a preface to activities that will threaten human society and dignity.

6. Conservative spiritual leaders have claimed that cloning a human constitutes a gross attack on human dignity.

7. Lacking the culturally acceptable symbols of belonging in this setting, we became, to a degree, objects, with less inherent dignity as persons.

8. Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love.

9. It is beneath your dignity to answer such a rude remark.

10. In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity.
