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effort为高中词汇   词频:760


形容词:effortful 副词:ef-fortfully



近义词, 同义词

exertion  effort  strain  tug  pull  stress  struggle  toil  work  labor  travail  manual labor    


attempt  endeavor  fling  try  undertaking    


/'efət; `ɛfɚt/
1 [U] use of (much) strength and energy (to do sth) (做某事物使用的)力量和精力
*a waste of time and effort 时间和精力的浪费
* They lifted the heavy rock without effort. 他们没费劲就把那块沉重的石头抬起来了.
* He must put more effort into his work. 他必须更加努力工作.
2 [C] ~ (to do sth) energetic attempt; struggle 努力; 奋斗
*His efforts were much appreciated. 大家都夸他很努力.
* It was a real effort to stay awake through the film. 真要强打着精神才能看完整部电影.
* I will make every effort (ie do all I can) to arrive on time. 我将尽一切努力准时到达.
3 [C] result of an attempt 努力的结果
*That's a good effort, ie That has been well done. 这事干得不错.


1【physical/mental energy】
3 be an effort
4【particular situation】
5 good/bad/poor etc effort
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Old French;Origin: esfort, from esforcier 'to force']
the physical or mental energy that is needed to do something
 Lou lifted the box easily, without using much effort.
make the effort (to do sth)
 He made the effort to say something pleasant.
it takes effort (to do sth)
 It takes a lot of time and effort to get an exhibition ready.
 An automatic car takes all the effort out of driving (=it makes driving very easy) .
 Frank put a lot of effort into the party.
 Visit the cathedral when you're there. It's well worth the effort (=it is definitely worth doing) .
【ATTEMPT】 [U and C]
an attempt to do something, especially when this involves a lot of hard work or determination
make an effort (to do sth)
 I know you don't like her, but please make an effort to be polite.
 Jack has made a concerted effort (=tried hard over a long time) to improve his behaviour.
 We make every effort to satisfy clients' wishes.
 They made no effort to include us in the negotiations.
sb's effort(s) to do sth
 Tom's determined efforts to stop smoking haven't been very successful.
 Church leaders are prepared to meet the terrorists in an effort to (=in order to try to) find peace.
effort at
 Further efforts at negotiation have broken down.
through sb's efforts
(=because of their efforts)
 The money was raised largely through the efforts of parents.
 The meal was a joint effort (=it was done by two people together) .
despite sb's efforts
 Despite all our efforts we lost the game 1-0.
 With a supreme effort of will Isabel forced back the tears.
be an effort
to be difficult or painful to do
 I was so weak that even standing up was an effort.
work that people do to achieve something in a particular situation
 the fundraising effort
 the international relief effort
 Everyone did what they could to support the war effort.
good/bad/poor etc effort
something that has been done well, badly etc
 Not a bad effort for a beginner!
1. By a titanic effort, our football team won the victory.

2. By a violent effort she overcame her feelings and replied in a calm voice, as she wiped her wet cheeks:

3. But the national effort to reduce health care costs has resulted in dramatic changes in the way hospitals think.

4. We´ll make every effort to carry out the work.

5. It enables it to get its food with very little effort,

6. When the person smiles, be sure to smile back. But always make an effort to return your gaze (注视) to the person’s eyes as she speaks.

7. The mural was a composite effort of all the children in the class.

8. The success was due not to one man but to corporate effort.
    成功非一人之功, 而是集体努力的结果。

9. They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket.

10. They do not makes further intellectual and emotional effort needed to comprehend form in its full spatial existence.
    他们在智力上和感情上不再作进一步的努力了, 而这种努力在理解空间实际存在的形体时是必要的.
