





adj timid; not brave 怯懦的; 不勇敢的.


not trying very hard, because you do not want to do something, or you are not confident that you can succeed
= half-hearted
 She made a rather faint-hearted attempt to stop him from leaving.
sth is not for the faint-hearted
used humorously to say that something is difficult and needs a lot of effort
1. Beneath his gruff exterior he´s really very kind-hearted.
    他外表粗鲁, 心地却十分善良.

2. Below are some predictions made by Richard N. Farmer, who gave his light-hearted opinion of the "World of 2084."
    下面是理查德 N·法默所作的一些预测,他以轻松愉快的心情为 “2084年的世界” 描绘了一幅充满妙趣的图画。

3. Without warning, her shallow breathing stops, and within a few moments, the faint pulse is also gone.

4. The darkness waned and a faint auroral glow began to appear in the east.

5. That evening he was in an unusually light-hearted mood.

6. The noise had been so faint that no one thought that the ship had been damaged.

7. They are ice cold, and I quickly move to the wrist and feel for the faint pulse.

8. His grandmother fell in a dead faint.

9. Suddenly there came the faint sound of a bell.

10. Pretending to faint was merely (an) artifice.
