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freedom为中学词汇   词频:1496


-dom 表示抽象名词的字尾

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constrain  repression    


/'fri:dəm; `fridəm/
1 [U] condition of being free; state of not being a prisoner or slave 自由
10 years in prison, he was given his freedom. 他坐了10年监狱以後又得到了自由.
2 (a) [U, C] ~ (of sth) right (esp political) to act, speak, etc as one pleases without interference (随意行动、讲话等的, 尤指政治的)自由权
*freedom of speech, thought, worship, etc 言论、思想、礼拜等的自由权
* press freedom 出版自由
* preserve the freedoms of the trade-union movement 保护工会运动的自由权.
(b) [U] ~ (of sth); ~ (to do sth) state of being unrestricted in one's actions; liberty 个人的行动自主; 自由
*freedom of action, choice, decision, etc 行动、选择、决定等的自由
* He enjoyed complete freedom to do as he wished. 他享有完全按照自己的意愿行事的自由.
3 [U] ~ from sth state of being without or not affected by the thing specified 无某事物的情况; 不受某事物影响的状态
*freedom from fear, pain, hunger, etc 无恐惧、痛苦、饥饿等.
4 [sing] the ~ of sth unrestricted use of sth 随意使用某物的权利
*I gave him the freedom of my house and belongings. 我让他随便使用我的房子和东西.
5 (idm 习语) give, etc sb his `freedom agree to a divorce; allow one's husband/wife to leave without opposing him/her legally 同意离婚; 给予自由身分(允许丈夫[妻子]离去而不依法追究)
*It seems foolish not to give Ann her freedom, if that's what she really wants. 安要是真想离婚的话, 不同意她离就太蠢了. give sb, receive, etc the freedom of the `city give, etc special rights of citizenship, esp as an honour for public services 授予荣誉市民权.


[U and C]
the right to do what you want without being controlled or restricted by anyone
 People here like their freedom and privacy.
 the rights and freedoms of citizens
freedom to do sth
 We do not have the freedom to do just what we like.
 the freedom to vote
freedom of speech/expression/choice etc
(=the legal right to say what you want, choose your own religion etc)
 The First Amendment guarantees freedom of expression.
individual/personal freedom
 The government was accused of using the law to restrict individual freedom
press/academic/political etc freedom
the state of being free and allowed to do what you want
 Kids have too much freedom these days.
 The teachers are given complete freedom in their choice of teaching methods.
freedom to do sth
 The wheelchair gives him the freedom to go out on his own.
 Tracksuits are designed to give you freedom of movement .
the state of being free because you are not in prison
captivity, imprisonment imprisonment
 The prisoner was recaptured after only 48 hours of freedom.
freedom from sth
the state of not being affected by something that makes you worried, unhappy, afraid etc
freedom from fear/pain/worry etc
 The contraceptive pill gave women freedom from the fear of pregnancy.
freedom of choice
the right or ability to choose whatever you want to do or have
 The new satellite TV channels offer viewers greater freedom of choice.
freedom of information
the legal right of people in some countries to see information which the government has about people and organizations
freedom of the city
in Britain, an honour given by a city to someone who has done something special
1. They contended for freedom.

2. These men died for freedom.

3. The slaves yearned for freedom.

4. The contemporary phenomenon of car worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership entails.

5. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort.

6. The dogs have greater freedom, too, for they are allowed to wander outside their enclosure.

7. The Hopi, a native people of North America, used to have a very different idea about freedom.

8. Together, these young men are a kind of river — one that is out of control, eating at the foundations of things we hold dear: our freedom to move about; the fruits of labor; our own lives and those of people we value.

9. Now we all die, sooner or later; maybe by 2084, we won't die until we are good and ready. And that would be a new freedom indeed.

10. Have the slaves really got freedom after the abolition of slavery?
    奴隶制废除以后, 奴隶们真的获得了自由吗?
