

美音:[gri:t ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[gri:t ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


greet为中学词汇   词频:3277


名词:greeter 动词过去式:greeted 过去分词:greeted 现在分词:greeting 第三人称单数:greets

近义词, 同义词

lament  mourn  deplore  grieve  weep over  bewail  bemoan  wail  cry  weep  sob  greet  blubber    


address  approach  hail  meet  talk-to    


/gri:t; ˇrit/
1 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (with sth) give a conventional sign or word of welcome or pleasure when meeting sb or receiving a (guest) 欢迎; 迎接; 致意; 问候
*He greeted me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand. 他在街上向我亲切地挥手致意.
* greeting her guests at the door 在门口迎接她的客人.
(b) [Tn.pr esp passive 尤用于被动语态] ~ sth with sth receive sth with a particular reaction 对某事做出某种反应
*The news was greeted by/with cheering, booing, etc. 对这消息欢呼喝采、嘘声四起等.
* This appointment was greeted with relief, dismay, etc. 这一委任使人欣慰、怅惘等.
2 [Tn] (of sights and sounds) be suddenly seen or heard by (sb) (指景象和声音)突然被(某人)看见或听见
*the view that greeted us at the top of the hill 在山顶上收入我们眼底的景色.


v [T]

[Language: Old English;Origin: gretan]
to say hello to someone or welcome them
 Belinda greeted her warmly.
greet sb with sth
 Bill opened the door to Harold and greeted him with cries of welcome.
[usually passive]
to react to something in a particular way
be greeted with/by sth
 His statement was greeted with cries of astonishment and indignation.
to be the first thing you see or hear when you arrive somewhere
 Complete silence greeted us as we entered the room.
1. When he landed near Dover, the first person to greet him was a local policeman.

2. They instruct you to greet them with "power handshakes" and tell you to fix your eyes on the other person.
    他们会教你以 "有力的握手"问候他人,并且告诉你要用双眼注视对方。

3. She hardly dared greet the neighbours who passed, in case they should wonder why she was hanging about in such an unusual way, with her year-old son in her arms.
