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identical为高中词汇   词频:3304


名词:identicalness 副词:identically

近义词, 同义词


alike  duplicate  same  different    


/aɪ'dentɪkl; aɪ`dɛntɪkl/
1 the ~ [attrib 作定语] the same 同一的
*This is the identical room we stayed in last year. 这是我们去年住过的(同一间)房间.
2 ~ (to/with sb/sth) similar in every detail; exactly alike 完全相同的; 一模一样的
*They're wearing identical clothes. 他们穿着完全相同的衣服.
* Their clothes are identical. 他们的衣服完全一样.
* This picture is identical to one my mother has. 这张照片和我母亲的那张一模一样.


[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Medieval Latin;Origin: identicus, from Late Latin identitas; IDENTITY]
exactly the same, or very similar
 four identical houses
identical to/with
 Nutritionally, infant formulas are almost identical to breast milk.
 The ingredients are identical with those of competing products.
identical in
 The sisters were identical in appearance and character.
>identically [-kli/
1. Even in terms of biology, a clone would not be identical to the "master copy".

2. But parents of identical twins don't view one child as an organ farm for the other.

3. Would a cloned human be identical to the original?

4. The goal of the Scottish scientist Ian Wilmut is to develop a way to raise identical sheep that produce medicines for humans.

5. Sarah's ability to solve her dilemma by rooming with her identical twin is unusual, but the conflict she faced is not.

6. My mother has dressed my sister and me in our best clothes — identical navy blue dresses with sailor collars and gray coats.

7. Identical genes don't produce identical people, as anyone who knows a set of identical twins can tell you.

8. In other words, the two are identical twins; only Dolly is six years younger.

9. Identical twins Katie and Sarah Monahan arrived at Pennsylvania's Gettysburg College last year determined to strike out on independent paths.
