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invoke为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5662


名词:invoker 动词过去式:invoked 过去分词:invoked 现在分词:invoking 第三人称单数:invokes


voc,voke=to call(喊叫),voice(声)

近义词, 同义词


appeal  beg  beseech  entreat  implore  plead  pray    


/ɪn'vəʊk; ɪn`vok/
v (fml 文)
1 [Tn] use (sth) as a reason for one's action 援用(某事物)为行动依据或理由
*The government has invoked the Official Secrets Act in having the book banned. 政府援引国家机密保密法以禁该书.
2 [Tn]
(a) call upon (God, the power of the law, etc) for help or protection 祈求(上帝)的保佑; 求助于(法律的力量等).
(b) summon (sth) up (as if) by magic (似)用法术召唤(某事物)
*invoke evil spirits 用法术召来恶鬼.
3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (on/upon sb/sth) beg for sth (as if) by praying (似)以祷告祈求某事物
*invoke help, assistance, etc in a desperate situation 在走投无路时祈祷求救、求助等
* invoke vengeance (up)on one's enemies 求神降祸给敌人.


v [T]formal
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: French;Origin: invoquer, from Latin invocare, from vocare 'to call']
if you invoke a law, rule etc, you say that you are doing something because the law allows or forces you to
 The UN threatened to invoke economic sanctions if the talks were broken off.
to make a particular idea, image, or feeling appear in people's minds by describing an event or situation, or by talking about a person
 a painting that invokes images of the Rocky Mountains
 During his speech, he invoked the memory of Harry Truman.
to use a law, principle, or theory to support your views
to operate a computer program
to ask for help from someone more powerful than you, especially a god
 St. Genevieve is often invoked against plagues.
to make spirits appear by using magic
 invoking the spirits of their ancestors