

美音:[dʒɑ: ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[dʒɑ: ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.震动,刺耳声,震惊,争吵,罐,广口瓶 vi.震惊,冲突,发刺耳声,不一致 vt.震动,刺激


jar为高中词汇   词频:5846


副词:jarringly 动词过去式:jarred 过去分词:jarred 现在分词:jarring 第三人称单数:jars 名词:jarful

近义词, 同义词


bounce  jolt  rattle  shake    


/dʒɑ:(r); dʒɑr/
1 (a) cylindrical container, usu made of glass 广口瓶
*I keep my paint-brushes in old `jam jars. 我把画笔存放在旧果酱瓶里. =>illus at pot 见pot插图.
(b) this and its contents 广口瓶及其所盛之物或量
*a jar of plum jam 一瓶梅子酱.
2 tall vessel with a wide mouth, usu cylindrical, with or without handles 罐子; 杯子; 缸
*large jars of olive oil 大罐子的橄榄油
* a `wine-jar 酒缸.
3 (Brit infml 口) glass (of beer) (啤酒)杯
*We're going down to the pub for a few jars. 我们打算去酒馆喝几杯啤酒.

/dʒɑ:(r); dʒɑr/
v (-rr-)
1 [I, Ipr] ~ (on sb/sth) have a harsh or an unpleasant effect 有不舒服或不愉快的感觉
*His tuneless whistling jarred on my nerves. 我听到他吹着不和谐的口哨声感到心烦意乱.
2 [I, Ipr] ~ (with sth) be out of harmony; clash 不和谐; 不一致; 冲突; 抵触
*(fig 比喻) Her comments on future policy introduced a jarring note to the proceedings. 她对未来政策的评论是与会议议程唱反调.
* His harsh criticism jarred with the friendly tone of the meeting. 他批评得十分尖刻, 与会议中的友好气氛很不协调.
3 [Tn] give a sudden or painful shock to (sb/sth); jolt 使(某人)受震动而痛疼; 使(某物)震动, 动摇
*He jarred his back badly when he fell. 他这一跌, 背部 得很重.
4 (phr v) jar against/on sth strike sth with a harsh unpleasant sound 撞击某物发出刺耳的声音
*The ship jarred against the quayside. 船撞在码头上发出刺耳的声音.

n [sing]
1 unpleasant sound or vibration 令人不快的声音或颤动
*The side of the boat hit the quay with a grinding jar. 船舷撞到码头发出刺耳的声音.
2 sudden unpleasant shock; jolt 令人难受的猛然震动; 颠簸
*He gave his back a nasty jar when he fell. 他这一跌, 背部疼得很厉害.
1. The genie had been in the jar for hundreds of years before the fisherman set him free.

2. A box of pills, or a small jar of ointment, and the doctor in charge of the department is only too ready to provide them with these requirements.

3. As diet, right living, and the need for abandoning bad habits etc., the bottle, the box, and the jar are almost always granted them.

4. It´s in the cupboard.Be careful not to spill the oil in the jar.
    在碗柜里, 小心不要把罐子里的油倒出来.

5. It´s in the cupboard.Be careful not to spill the oil in the jar.
    在碗柜里, 小心不要把罐子里的油倒出来.

6. It´s in the cupboard.Be careful not to spill the oil in the jar.
    在碗柜里, 小心不要把罐子里的油倒出来.

7. I remove the lid from a jar of skin cream and put some on the palm of my hand.
