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interfere为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3811


副词:interferingly 名词:interferer 动词过去式:interfered 过去分词:interfered 现在分词:interfering 第三人称单数:interferes


inter-=between,among 变化型 enter-,intel-

近义词, 同义词



/,ɪntə'fɪə(r); ,ɪntɚ`fɪr/
1 [I, Ipr] ~ (in sth); ~ (between sb and sb) concern oneself with or take action affecting sb else's affairs without the right to do so or being invited to do so 干涉; 介入; 干预
*Don't interfere in matters that do not concern you! 不要干预与你无关的事!
* It's unwise to interfere between husband and wife. 夫妻间的事最好不要管.
2 [Ipr] ~ with sth
(a) handle, adjust, etc sth without permission, esp so as to cause damage (未得允许)摆弄; (尤指)弄坏
*Who's been interfering with the clock? It's stopped. 是谁摆弄这钟来着? 已经不走了.
(b) obstruct sth wholly or partially; prevent sth from being done or carried out properly 阻碍; 妨碍; 妨害
*interfere with sb else's plans 妨碍某人的计画
* Don't allow pleasure to interfere with duty. 不要让娱乐妨碍了职责.
3 [Ipr] ~ with sb
(a) distract or hinder sb 干扰或妨碍某人
*Don't interfere with him while he's working. 他工作的时候不要打搅他.
(b) (Brit euph 婉) assault sb sexually (在性方面)侵犯某人
*The police reported that the murdered child had not been interfered with. 警方报告说被害儿童没有遭到性侵犯.


v [I]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Old French;Origin: entreferir 'to hit each other', from ferir 'to hit']
to deliberately get involved in a situation where you are not wanted or needed
= meddle
 My daughter-in-law said that I was interfering, but I was only trying to help.
interfere in
 It's not the church's job to interfere in politics.
interfere with / [interfere with sth/sb] phr v
to prevent something from succeeding or from happening in the way that was planned
 Anxiety can interfere with children's performance at school.
if something interferes with a radio or television broadcast, it spoils the sound or picture that you receive
BrE to touch a child sexually
 He was arrested for interfering with young boys.
1. Easton looked alternatively at the list of debts and the three letters, and then he said, "I give you nearly every farthing I earn and I never interfere with anything, because I think it´s your part to attend to the house, but it seems to me yo

2. Don´t interfere in what doesn´t concern you.

3. And people who are likely to have low iron should avoid drinking coffee or tea with meals, she says, since substances in these drinks can interfere with iron being absorbed into the body.

4. I don´t really want to interfere with your business, but you shouldn´t spending money like mad.
    我不是真想干涉你的事, 但是你不应该在疯狂地花钱.

5. For the sulfas are tiny crystals that do not dissolve in human blood, and might collect in the kidney and interfere with its functioning.
