

美音:[dʒə:k ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[dʒə:k ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.性情古怪的人,急推,猛拉,肌肉抽搐,(生理)反射,牛肉干 vi.痉挛,急拉,颠簸地行进 vt.猛拉


jerk为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5715


副词:jerkingly 名词:jerker 动词过去式:jerked 过去分词:jerked 现在分词:jerking 第三人称单数:jerks

近义词, 同义词

draw  pull  haul  lug  rake  drag  tug  tow  trail  train  take in tow  wrench  jerk  twitch  yankignoramus  dunce  moron  imbecile  idiot  fool  jerk  nincompoop  numskull  fool    




/dʒɜ:k; dʒɝk/
1 sudden pull, push, start, stop, twist, lift or throw 突然的拉、推、开始、停止、拧、抬或扔
*He gave his tooth a sharp jerk and it came out. 他猛一使劲把牙拔了下来.
* The bus stopped with a jerk. 公共汽车骤然停住了.
2 sudden involuntary twitch of a muscle or muscles (肌肉的) 反射
*a jerk of an eyelid 眼皮的一跳.
3 (infml derog 口, 贬) foolish person 蠢人.

1 [Tn.pr, Tn.p] pull (sth/sb) suddenly and quickly in the specified direction 猛拉(某物[某人])
*He jerked the fishing-rod out of the water. 他猛然从水中挑起鱼竿.
* She jerked her hand away when he tried to touch it. 他刚要摸她的手, 她一下子就把手缩了回去.
2 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sth/sb to) move with a short sudden action or a series of short uneven actions(使某物[某人])猛然一动或颤动
*His head keeps jerking.他直晃脑袋.
* The train jerked to a halt. 火车猛然停住了.
* She jerked upright in surprise. 她惊讶得跳了起来.
* Try not to jerk the camera when taking a photograph. 拍照时照相机不要晃.
* He jerked his head towards the door. 他猛然把头扭向大门.
3 (phr v) jerk (oneself) off ( sl 讳, 俚) (of a man) masturbate (指男子)手淫. jerk sth out utter sth in an abrupt nervous manner 紧张而断断续续地说出某事
*jerk out a request, an apology, etc 结结巴巴地提出请求、道歉等.
1. The bus stopped with a jerk.

2. He spit on my dog. He´s real jerk.
