

美音:[fu:l ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[fu:l ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.愚人,白痴,莽汉,受骗者,奶油拌水果 vt.愚弄,欺骗,浪费 vi.干傻事,开玩笑,游荡 adj.傻的


fool为高中词汇   词频:6062


动词过去式:fooled 过去分词:fooled 现在分词:fooling 第三人称单数:fools

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/fu:l; ful/
1 (derog 贬) person who acts unwisely; person lacking in good sense or judgement; idiot 蠢人; 傻瓜; 白痴
*What fools we were not to see the trap! 我们没有看出那是个陷阱, 多么傻呀!
* And I was fool enough (ie so stupid as) to believe him. 而我却相信他, 真够傻的了.
2 (formerly) man employed by a king, noble, etc to amuse others with jokes and tricks; clown or jester (旧时)(国王或贵族豢养的)小丑, 弄臣.
3 (idm 习语) act/play the fool behave irresponsibly or so as to amuse (and perhaps annoy) others 瞎胡闹; 逗乐; (有时指)把人惹恼. be a fool for one's `pains do sth for which one gets no reward or thanks 做费力不讨好的事. be ,no `fool; be ,nobody's `fool be a wise and clever person; not be easily deceived 为人精明; 不易上当. a ,fool and his ,money are ,soon `parted (saying 谚) a foolish person spends, or can be tricked into spending, all his money 傻瓜存不住钱. (be sent/go on) a `fool's errand (be sent/go on) a senseless or an unprofitable mission (被派去干[干])徒劳无功的或白费力气的差事. (be/live in) a fool's `paradise (be/live in) a state of (false) happiness that cannot last (处于[生活在]不能持久的)(虚幻的)乐境. make a `fool of oneself/sb behave foolishly/trick sb into behaving foolishly 使(自己[某人])出丑. (the) ,more fool `sb (used as an exclamation 用作感叹语) the person specified is especially unwise for behaving in the way he does 蠢极了. (there is) ,no fool like an `old fool (saying 谚) the foolish behaviour of an older person seems even more foolish because he is expected to act more sensibly than a younger person 最傻的是老傻瓜. not/never suffer fools gladly => suffer.

1 (a) [I, Ip] ~ (about/around) behave stupidly or foolishly 干蠢事
*Stop fooling about with that knife or someone will get hurt. 不要摆弄那把刀, 会伤人的.
(b) [I] tease or joke; pretend 逗弄; 开玩笑
*I was only fooling when I said I'd lost your keys. 我说把你的钥匙丢了, 只是逗你玩的.
2 [Tn] trick or deceive (sb) 哄骗, 欺骗(某人)
*You can't/don't fool me! 你休想[别]骗我!
3 (phr v) fool about/around waste time; be idle 虚度光阴; 胡混
*I was meant to be working on Sunday, but I just fooled around all day. 星期日我本应工作的, 但却闲混了一整天.

/fu:l; ful/
n [C, U] (usu in compounds 通常用以构成复合词) cold light pudding of crushed cooked fruit mixed with cream or custard 一种用奶油或蛋奶沙司拌熟水果泥制成的凉布丁
*rhubarb fool 大黄茎凉点心.
1. Why fool around for years drilling kids, when all education really is made up of is a set of very mixed brain patterns?

2. And that fool, Horst, aimed a fire extinguisher at me.

3. You can´t fool me with that old trick!

4. I kept waiting for the alternative — "but you can come back after a couple of months," or "you could take a salary cut, a different position," or even, "April fool."

5. I had deliberately (故意地) got myself into this jam. What a fool!
