

美音:[mɔl ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[mɔl ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.大槌 vt.打伤,粗手粗脚地摆弄,抨击




名词:mauler 动词过去式:mauled/malled 过去分词:mauled/malled 现在分词:mauling/malling 第三人称单数:mauls/malls


abuse  batter  bruise    


/mɔ:l; mɔl/
1 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sb/sth (about) handle sb/sth roughly or brutally 粗野地对待某人[某物]
*(fig 比喻) Her novel has been badly mauled by the critics. 她的小说横遭评论家抨击.
2 [Tn] injure (a person or an animal) by tearing his or its flesh 伤害(人或动物)(撕裂其皮肉)
*He died after being mauled by a tiger. 他被老虎咬死了.


v [T]
[Date: 1300-1400; Origin: maul 'hammer' (13-20 centuries), from Old French mail, from Latin malleus]
if an animal mauls someone, it injures them badly by tearing their flesh
 A mentally ill man was mauled after climbing into the lions' enclosure at London Zoo.
to strongly criticize something, especially a new book, play etc
 Her latest book was absolutely mauled by the critics.
to touch someone in a rough sexual way which they think is unpleasant
 What makes you think you've got the right to maul me like that?
informal to defeat someone very easily - used especially in sports reports
 Stanford have looked quite good lately. They absolutely mauled Notre Dame last weekend.
>maulingn [singular]
 Juppe got a mauling over the government's failure to fulfil its promises.