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adv.至多 Max 马克斯(男子名)




动词过去式:maxed 过去分词:maxed 现在分词:maxing 第三人称单数:maxes


/mæks; mæks/
abbr 缩写 = maximum
60 max 最高温度60. Cf 参看 min 1.


Elisolimax is a genus of air-breathing land snails or semislugs, terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusks in the family Helicarionidae.
1. The door began to open. Swiftly Max pushed to free himself and drop to the balcony.

2. 6 p.m. The movers finally arrive. I call Max. He's fit to be tied. I point out they're only 10 hours late. Max is not humored.

3. 3 p.m. Movers still haven't arrived. I call Max, who's more enraged than before. "This is unheard-of," he says. "I'm taking another $10 off the hourly charge."

4. Keeping his body twisted so that his gun still pointed at the fat man and his guest, Max grasped the window frame and heaved his other leg up and over the bottom of the window.

5. Max: I´m meeting Pete at the sushi bar at five o´clock. You wanna go?

6. Max tells me he's upset with the delay. He's enraged at his own moving company. "I'm knocking $10 off the hourly rate," he says.

7. Max was slender, not tall, and with a face that suggested the look of a fox.

8. Max waved the gun with a commanding gesture.

9. Max's face was black with anger as he made a swift movement towards the window; with his hand behind him, he opened the window and put his leg out into the night.

10. “Max,” he said, “you gave me quite a start. I thought you were in Berlin. What are you doing in my room?”
    "马克斯," 艾伯特说,"你真吓了我一跳。我还以为你在柏林呢,你在我屋里干什么?"
