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nowhere为高中词汇   词频:3129

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/'nəʊweə(r); [US] -hweər; `no,hwɛr/
1 not anywhere 无处
*`Where are you going at the weekend?' `Nowhere special (ie Not to any special place).' `你打算到哪儿去度周末?'`无处可去.'
* He was getting nowhere (ie making no progress) with his homework until his sister helped him. 他在姐姐的帮助之下作业才有些进步. *
20 goes nowhere (ie does not buy much) when you're feeding a family these days. 如今要养家的话, 20英镑到不了哪儿(买不了多少东西).
* One of the horses I backed came second; the rest were/came nowhere, ie were not among the first three to finish the race. 我下赌注的几匹马中有一匹跑第二; 其余的没上名(没进前三名).
2 (idm 习语) in the middle of nowhere => middle. nowhere near => near2. ,nowhere to be `found/`seen impossible for anyone to find or see 任何人都找不到或看不见
*The children were nowhere to be seen. 孩子们都没影儿了.
* The money was nowhere to be found. 哪儿也找不到那笔钱.


not in any place or to any place
nowhere to go/live/sit etc
 I have no job and nowhere to live.
 Nowhere is drug abuse more of a problem than in the US.
get/go nowhere
to have no success or make no progress
 The proposal went nowhere in the Senate.
get nowhere with sb/sth
 He was getting nowhere with the Bentley case.
get sb nowhere
 A negative attitude will get you nowhere.
 I soon realized that being tough was getting me nowhere fast (=was not helping me achieve anything) .
be nowhere to be seen/foundalsobe nowhere in sight
to not be in a place, or not be seen or found there
 Typical - another street crime and the police are nowhere to be seen.
nowhere near
a) a long way from a particular place
 He swore he was nowhere near her house on the night she died.
b) not at all
nowhere near ready/full/finished etc
 The building's nowhere near finished.
 She's nowhere near as pretty as you are.
out of/from nowhere
happening or appearing suddenly and without warning
 In the last few seconds, Gunnell came from nowhere to win another gold medal.
 From out of nowhere he asks me to marry him!
Do not use another negative word (e.g. 'not') with nowhere. Use anywhere with not:We had nowhere to go. |We didn't have anywhere to go.