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obligation为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2160




lig=to bind(绑)

近义词, 同义词


/,ɒblɪ'geɪʃn; ,ɑblə`ˇeʃən/
1 [C] law, moral pressure, promise, etc that forces one to do sth (法律、道义、承诺等的)义务, 职责, 责任
*the obligations of conscience 良心上的责任
* the obligations imposed by parenthood 为人父母者的义务
* repay/fulfil an obligation, eg by returning hospitality that one has received 报恩[尽义务](如还人情).
2 [C, U] being forced or required to do sth (被迫或被要求做某事的)责任, 义务
*We attended the party more out of a sense of obligation than anything else. 我们参加那个聚会是迫于人情, 而并无别的原因.
3 (idm 习语) be under an/no obligation (to sb/to do sth) (not) be compelled by law, etc; (not) have a moral duty (没)有义务; (没)有道义责任
*You're under no obligation to pay for goods which you did not order. 没有订购的货物就无须付款.
* She's under an obligation to him because he lent her money. 因为他把钱借给她了, 所以她有偿还他的义务. place/put sb under an/no obli`gation (to sb/to do sth) (not) compel sb by law, etc (to do sth); (not) make sb indebted or grateful (to sb) (不)使某人有义务(做某事物); (不)使某人欠(某人的)人情或受(某人的)恩惠
*Damaging the goods puts you under an obligation to buy them. 你损坏了这些商品, 你就得都买下来.
* His kindness places us under an obligation to him. 他待我们很好, 我们觉得欠着他一份人情.


n [U and C]
a moral or legal duty to do something
obligation to
 America's obligation to its allies
 Employers have an obligation to treat all employees equally.
 Parents are under a legal obligation to educate their children.
 You are under no obligation to buy any more books.
 Greater resources are needed to meet these obligations .
 the rights and obligations imposed on them by treaties
 The government must pay for health care for war veterans - it is an obligation we owe to them.
 a moral obligation to help the poor
 He stayed with the team out of a sense of obligation .
COLLOCATES for sense 1
have an obligation (to do something)
be under an obligation (to do something) (=have an obligation)
be under no obligation (to do something)
meet/fulfil an obligation (=do something that is your duty)
honour an obligationformal (=meet an obligation)
impose an obligationformal (=make someone have an obligation)
owe somebody an obligationformal (=feel that you must do something for someone)
moral/legal/social obligation
contractual obligation (=something that a contract says you must do)
a sense of obligation

1. The Love Family is either too casual for children — your friends have no obligation to provide for them — or it's too unstable, with adults moving on if the relationship no longer answers their search for perfect happiness.
    "情爱家庭"对孩子来说,要么太随意 —— 新的伴侣对你的孩子没有抚养责任,要么太不稳定,成年人一旦感到他们的关系无法满足自己对完美幸福的追求,就会转而他求。

2. He has an obligation to support his parents.

3. And the main obligation is to provide both emotional and practical care for children.

4. Children, relatives, and the ties of mutual obligation and care are left behind, with no place to go.

5. In primitive cultures the obligation to seek and to receive the traditional instruction is binding to all.
