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officially为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3793


/ə'fɪʃəlɪ; ə`fɪʃəlɪ/
1 in an official manner; formally 公务或公职上; 正式地
*I've been officially invited to the wedding. 我正式获得邀请去参加婚礼.
* We already know who's got the job but we haven't yet been informed officially. 我们已经知道是谁得到这份工作了, 但是尚未得到正式通知.
2 as announced publicly (esp by officials) though not necessarily true in fact 据称(尤指官员所称, 但未必属实)
*Officially, the director is in a meeting, though actually he's playing golf. 据说主任正在开会, 可他实际上正打高尔夫球呢.


publicly or formally
 The new church was officially opened on July 5th.
 Nothing has yet been officially announced .
 The scheme was officially launched in May.
 Has the company officially confirmed the appointment?
 the number of officially recognized political parties
[sentence adverb]
according to what someone says publicly, even though this may not be true
 Officially, the talks never took place.
1. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi.

2. Officially, the U.S. Navy does not recognize the triangle as a danger zone and is convinced that "the majority of disappearances in the triangle can be attributed to the unique features of the area's environment."

3. It was officially opened on March 7,1994, finally connecting Britain to the European continent.
